"Радость живописца ищет выхода в формах и красках. Темперамент художника в живописном получает свое наглядное выражение: иногда выражение чувства пышности и насыщенности, иногда скромности и простоты или стремительного движения или мертвого покоя."
Moscow artist Georgy Leman was born in the capital of Russia in 1937.
He studied at V. I. Surikov Institute of Arts in Moscow under the guidance of B.V. Ioganson to obtain his Diploma in 1966.
Leman was elected a member of Moscow Union of Artists and Union of Artists of Russia in 1976.
Then in 1996 the master was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of Russia, and in 2005 Leman was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.
In 2002 Georgy Leman became the winner of Association of Painters of Moscow Union of Artists.
Works by Leman are held in many museums in Russia and foreign collections in France, Canada, Holland, Germany, Japan, USA, and other countries of the world.
Moscow Union of Artists, which granted membership to Georgiy Leman, is one of the oldest art organizations in Russia. It was established in 1932, and today it unites more than 600 members. The Painting Department of the Union of Artists was opened on April 23, 1932.
Two months later, on June 25, there was held a meeting where the direction of Moscow Union of Soviet Artists was elected.
This date was the date of birth of Moscow Organization. Since its establishment Moscow Organization with its Painting Department has held a significant place in art. Since the exhibitions arranged in the 1930s the artists of the Union have demonstrated activity and significance of their oeuvre, and what is more important they showed they were free from cliches.
During the Great Patriotic War many Moscow painters were at the front, but nevertheless Moscow art life was still alive: there still appeared works of easel and monumental painting.
The postwar years brought about new names in art. In the mid and latter 50s, and especially the 60s, the country's cultural life saw awakening of new art forces and new style inventions.
Today, at the beginning of a new century, the Association of Painters unites the most notable artists of Russia, and Georgy Leman is one of them. If one had to define the essence of this person's character in short, most of those that know Leman well enough would not doubt to say that it is his inner integrity. This feature appears due to the special talent of intuition Leman has. As for the genre of painting, Leman says that his choice was made deliberately.
I tormented myself over this problem for almost three year, says Georgiy Alexandrovich, I created a great number of paintings until decided in favour of the landscape! In painting circles there exists an expression Leman's point. This expression means a new view from a point well known to the artist.
Leman persistently takes multifarious attempts to elaborate a group of images and themes to which he eventually adverts again and again, he searches and finds new ways to reveal them.
Realistic exterior landscape with a subtle tinge of romanticism fully conveys the main features of Leman's character: high emotionality, impressionability, and a creative energy.